Microfilms of the Henry Family Papers at Hagley
The Henry Family Papers at the Hagley Museum and Library (photo, 2022)
Many of the Henry family papers, especially those related to the Boulton Gun Works and to William Henry I’s activities during the Revolutionary War, were transferred by Mary Henry Stites to the Hagley Museum and Library (then called Elutherian Mills Historical Library) in 1968. The collection was at that time microfilmed (15 reels). In 1973 a few additional items were microfilmed on a 16th reel.
The quality of these microfilms is excellent. But the organization of materials is, at times, puzzling. Many documents were not properly identified or were not placed in the most appropriate category. Some materials related to William Henry I (1729-1786), for instance, are filed under the category of the “Boulton Gun Works,” even though Boulton was not established by his grandchildren until nearly thirty years after his death. Materials by William Henry III are often identified as materials by William Henry II.
One cannot reshuffle material on microfilms, however, so this inventory below identifies the way the materials are organized on the 16 reels of microfilm. Please note, though, that our inventory below attempts to identify nearly every item: thus researchers can now know for the first time the full contents of the collection (even if, in some cases, items appear under inaccurate headings). Please note that at Hagley itself the Henry Family Papers (accession number 1209) are now organized differently: there the materials are separated into two series of 24 boxes (or bound volumes) in all.
Hagley Museum has generously given us permission to digitize these 16 reels of microfilm and to make their contents available. Please contact Scott Gordon (spg4@lehigh.edu) if you have questions about these materials.
In the guide that follows, we place headers or categories in bold type; individual items are in normal type.
A. William Henry I (1729-1786)
1. Financial Records, 1760-1783 (4 Items)
a. Receipt, £25, Nathaniel Falconer to Henry and Simon, 17 December 1760
b. Bill of Exchange, Thomas Barton to Simon and Henry, 31 October 1768 [modern transcription, handwriting of John W. Jordan]
c. Receipt, £135.7.6, William Henry I, Joseph Simon, George Croghan, William Norton, Jr., 28 March 1776
d. Account, William Henry I with Simon and Henry, 1783-1784
2. Correspondence, 1766, 1768, 1784 (3 items)
a. William Henry I to William Bradford, 17 July 1766 [re: advertisement]
b. William Hartshorn/Reese Meredith to William Henry I, 27 September 1768
c. Thomas Morton to Simon and Henry, 12 May 1784
B. William Henry II (1757-1821)
1. Financial Records, 1805 (1 item)
a. Receipt, Peter Rothermel of William Henry II, 25 January 1805 [WH bought 26 rifles & gun barrels of PR, $78.00]
2. Correspondence, 1810-1821 (22 items) [many of these letters are addressed to WH III]
Correspondence, 1810-16
a. Tench Coxe to William Henry II, 14 May 1810
b. Robert Brown to William Henry II, 8 March 1814
c. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 13 December 1815
d. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 16 February 1816
e. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 18 May 1816
f. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 12 July 1816
Correspondence, 1819
g. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 7 May 1819
h. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 26 May 1819
i. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 18 June 1819
j. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 21 July 1819
k. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 30 July 1819
l. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 6 August 1819
m. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 11 November 1819
n. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 12 November 1819
o. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 31 December 1819
Correspondence, 1820-1821
p. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 12 January 1820
q. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 19 February 1820
r. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 22 February 1820
s. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 3 March 1820
t. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 11 March 1820
u. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 24 February 1821
v. J. Joseph Henry to William Henry III, 11 August 1821
C. William Henry III (1794-1878)
1. Correspondence, 1833, 1842 (2 items)
a. Receipt, $10.00, —– of William Henry III, 20 December 1833 [recipes for industrial processes]
b. James Henry to William Henry III, 15 March 1842 [re: death of Mary Albright Henry]
D. J. Joseph Henry and William Henry III
1. Deed to Gun Manufactory, 1817 (1 item)
a. 20 March 1817 [J. Joseph Henry and William Henry III purchase Boulton land of William Henry II for $10,000.00]
2. Financial Records, 1814, 1819 (3 items)
a. Boulton Works, Expenses of Building, 1 February 1814
b. Inventory of Articles Belonging to Bolton Works, 17 March 1814
c. Account of Deliveries of 10,000 stand of Muskets under Contract with Tench Coxe, 1809-1812 [NB: this contract pre-dates the Boulton Gun Works]
3. Correspondence, 1808-1819 (30 items) [all these items relate to the complaints regarding the 1808 U.S. contract for 10,000 muskets]
Correspondence, undated and some 1808
a. Interrogatories put to Mr. Tench Cox[e], Esq. [date]
b. Petition to the Senate and House of Representatives
c. J. Joseph Henry to Honorable Peter Ihrie
d. Public Arms Advertisement, War Department, 12 May 1808
e. William Henry II to Henry Dearborn, 6 June 1808
f. Henry Dearborn to —-, 14 June 1808 [re: WH II arms contract]
g. A. J. Dallas to William Henry III, J. Joseph Henry [Godfrey Haga & John Jordan)
Correspondence, various 1808-1813
h. Arms Contractors to John Armstrong, Secretary of War
i. Contract with United States for 10,000 Muskets (copy), 30 June 1808
j. Answers by William Alexander to Interrogatories put to him by Henrys, 7 July 1810
k. Memorial, William Henry II and J. Joseph Henry to John Armstrong, Secretary of War, 20 April 1813
l. Tench Coxe, Purveyor’s Office, to William Henry II and J. Joseph Henry, 9 December 1808
Correspondence, 1811-1813
m. William Henry II [or J. Joseph Henry] to ——, May 1811
n. William Henry II [or J. Joseph Henry] to ——, 6 May 1811
o. Memo to Secretary of War, William Henry II and J. Joseph Henry, 2 January 1812
p. William Henry II [or J. Joseph Henry] to William Eustis, Secretary of War, 3 January 1812
q. Commissary General’s Office to William Henry II and J. Joseph Henry, 4 December 1812
r. Statements, William Henry II and J. Joseph Henry, 1813
s. Commissary General’s Office to William Henry II and J. Joseph Henry, 18 May 1813
Correspondence, 1813-1819
t. William Henry II [or J. Joseph Henry] to Commissary General’s Office, 10 June 1813
u. Summons, U. S. District Court to William Henry II, J. Joseph Henry, Godfrey Haga, John Jordan, 21 February 1814
v. William Henry II [or J. Joseph Henry] to —–, 31 March 1814
w. Certificate from Docket of District Court, 25 May 1815
x. Certificate, Robert Brown, 3 April 1813
y. Certificate, William Maying [?], 18 January 1812
z. Treasury Department, Auditor’s Office, 11 December 1819 [Account of 4246 Muskets delivered between 20 May 1809 and 29 August 1812]
aa. Testimony, George Fritz, 18 January 1812
bb. —– to Senator Jonathan Roberts, 23 December 1819 [re: William Henry II and J. Joseph Henry]
cc. William Henry II and J. Joseph Henry to Lewis Williams, 30 December 1819
dd. William Eustis to Marine Wickham, 15 March 1811
E. J. Joseph Henry (1786-1836)
1. Financial Records, 1813-1816 (7 items)
a. Musket Contract with State of Maryland, 8 July 1813
b. Promissory Note, $1,168.25, Philip Geisse
c. Account of J. Joseph Henry and John Jordan, 1817
d. Promisory Note, $508.00, Peters & Harrison with J. Joseph Henry, 29 December 1818
e. Indenture, $600.00, Mathew S. Henry and J. Joseph Henry with Magdalena Feble, 2 January 1823
f. Receipt, Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co., J. Joseph Henry, 20 June 1826 [$30.00 premium for $4,000.00 coverage]
g. Memorandum of Rifles to be Manufactured for the American Fur Company, J. Joseph Henry, 31 December 1830 [rifles to be delivered by 10 April 1831]
2. Correspondence, 1809-1836 (53 items)
Correspondence, 1809-1826
a. Receipt, J. Joseph Henry/Boulton Gun Works to Christian Stoufer, 15 July [n.y.]
b. Nicholas Yoom to J. Joseph Henry, 4 September 1809 [re: 68 musket barrels]
c. Extract of Letter, Benjamin Mifflin, Purveyor’s Office to J. Joseph Henry, 19 December 1811
d. Almonds [?] to J. Joseph Henry, 23 March 1813
e. John Shaw, Annapolis, to J. Joseph Henry, 13 August 1813
f. Thomas French, Canton, MA, to J. Joseph Henry, 3 December 1813
g. Contract, J. Joseph Henry with Marine T. Wickham, 27 December 1815
h. John Sterrat, Baltimore, to J. Joseph Henry, 2 May 1817
i. Certificate, Daniel Pettibone to J. Joseph Henry, 14 December 1819
j. Thomas Scott to J. Joseph Henry, 13 February 1821
k. Memorandum book for Improvements made to Boulton Establishment since the purchase of one half of William Henry in 1822
l. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 6 October 1825
m. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 5 January 1826
n. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 6 January 1826
o. William Thornton, Patent Office, to J. Joseph Henry, 21 August 1826
p. “Patents,” [Booklet], Patent Office, 5 March 1811
q. John Jacob Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 4 November 1826
r. John Jacob Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 6 November 1826
s. John Jacob Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 1 December 1826
t. Benjamin Clapp, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 7 December 1826
u. John Jacob Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 20 December 1826
Correspondence, 1827-1828
v. Benjamin Clapp, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 17 August 1827
w. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 17 September 1827
x. G. Bumford, Ordnance Department, to J. Joseph Henry, 22 October 1827
y. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 12 November 1827
z. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 12 December 1827
aa. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 20 November 1827
bb. Lewis de Schweinitz to William Henry III and J. Joseph Henry, 20 December 1824
cc. ——– Washington, to J. Joseph Henry, 28 January 1828
dd. G. Bumford, Ordnance Department to ——-, 21 February 1828
ee. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 11 April 1828
ff. Contract, American Fur Company with J. Joseph Henry, 28 April 1828
gg. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 5 & 20 November 1828
hh. Thomas Kenney, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 5 November 1828
Correspondence, 1829-1836
ii. Department of War, Office of Indian Affairs, 10 January 1829
jj. H. Cooke, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 14 July 1829
kk. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 23 March 1829
ll. H. Cooke, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 5-6 May 1829
mm. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 19 June 1829
nn. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 4 December 1829
oo. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 14 December 1829
pp. J. Joseph Henry to George Bumford, January 1830
qq. Draft, J. Joseph Henry to George Bumford, 15 January 1830
rr. G. Bumford, Ordnance Department to J. Joseph Henry, 29 January 1830
ss. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 12 February 1830
tt. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 30 March 1830
uu. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 9 June 1830
vv. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 29 November 1830
ww. W. B. Astor, American Fur Company to J. Joseph Henry, 4 December 1830
xx. Peter Smith [?], House of Representatives, to J. Joseph Henry, 5 July 1832
yy. Elbert Herring, Department of War, Office of Indian Affairs to J. Joseph Henry, 11 February 1833
zz. Receipt, E. & R. Green, Greenwich, to J. Joseph Henry, 6 June 1836 [rifle barrels & pistols]
aaa. —–, Washington, to J. Joseph Henry, 22 Feb [????] [re: gun locks/tariff bill]
F. James Henry (1809-1895)
1. Purchase and Receiving Records
A. Accounts Receivable, 1879-1881 (18 items)
B. Bills Payable, 1864-1893 (101 items)
i. 1864-1866
ii. 1877
iii. 1878-1879
iv. 1881
v. 1882-1893
C. Receipts, 1876-1885 (66 items)
2. Sales and Shipping Records
A. Sales, 1840-1884 (53 items)
i. 1840-1856
ii. 1858-1877
iii. 1878-1884
B. Orders, 1836-1884 (134 items)
i. 1836-1845
ii. 1853-1877
iii. 1878 January to July
iv. 1878 August to December
v. 1879
vi. 1881 January to June
vii. 1881 July to December
viii. 1882-1884
3. Correspondence
A. Outgoing, 1877-1884 (3 items)
B. Incoming, 1837-1884 (193 items)
i. 1837-1838
ii. 1839-1843
iii. 1844
iv. 1845-1849
v. 1850-1852
vi. December 1852-1857
vii. 1858-July 1877
viii. August 1877-September 1878
ix. October 1878-1881
x. 1882-1884
G. Granville Henry (1834-1912)
1. Correspondence, 1878 (2 items)
H. James Henry (1771-1813) of Detroit
1. Correspondence, 1801, 1803 (2 items)
a. Matthew Henry to James Henry, 2 September 1801
b. Matthew Henry to James Henry, 11 February 1803
I. Patents, 1822, 1891, 1894 (3 items)
J. Advertising Material, 1879-1888 (57 items)
a. Part One
b. Part Two
c. Part Three
K. Bound Volumes
1. Ledgers
a. J. Joseph Henry, 1807-1811, Philadelphia; also Farm Account Book, 1831-1835 [see outline 5-a]
i. Pages 1 through 27
ii. Pages 1 through 53 and Boulton Farm Accounts 1831-1833
b. J. Joseph Henry and William Henry III, Ledger A, Boulton, 1814-1815
i. Pages 1 to 38
ii. Pages 39 to 70 and Index
c. J. Joseph Henry and William Henry III, Ledger B, Boulton, 1815-1822
1. Pages 1-39
ii. Pages 40-88
iii. Pages 89-141
d. J. Joseph Henry, 1814-1833, Philadelphia
i. Part 1
ii. Part 2
iii. Part 3
iv. Part 4
v. Part 5
vi. Part 6
vii. Part 7
vii. Part 8
ix. Part 9
x. Part 10
e. Workmen’s Ledger, 1832-1839; Order & Shipment Book, 1832-1835 [see outline 4-e]
[see also J. Joseph Henry Ledger No. 2, 1809-1836 on REEL 16]
i. May 1832-April 1833
ii. May 1833-April 1834
iii. May 1834-April 1835
iv. May-October 1835
f. Workmen’s Ledger, 1834-1836
i. Pages 1-51
ii. Pages 52-100
iii. Pages 101-158
g. Workmen’s Ledger, 1836-1840
i. Pages 1-65
ii. Pages 66-148
iii. Page 149-215
h. Workmen’s Ledger, 1846-1849
i. Pages 1-52
ii. Pages 53-107
iii. Pages 108-160
i. Welder’s Workbook, 1846-1849
1. Pages 1 to 54
ii. Pages 55 to 114
j. Company Store, 1849-1852
k. Workmen’s Ledger, 1852-1857
l. Workmen’s Ledger, 1855-1857
i. Part 1
ii. Part 2
iii. Part 3
m. Workmen’s Ledger, 1856-1859
n. Workmen’s Ledger, 1869-1871
o. Workmen’s Ledger, 1870-1873
p. Workmen’s Ledger, 1872-1878
q. Workmen’s Ledger, 1872-1881
i. Pages 1-117
ii. Pages 118-215
iii. Pages 216-355
r. Workmen’s Ledger, 1873-1878 [Henry & Brother]
s. Employees’ Ledger, 1873-1875
t. Workmen’s Ledger, 1881-1901
1. Pages 1 to 135
ii. Pages 136 to 277
2. Day Books
a. J. Joseph Henry, Philadelphia, 1807-1812
i. 1807-1809 (June)
ii. 1809 (July)-1812
b. J. Joseph Henry, Philadelphia, 1811-1812
i. 1811
ii. 1812 [also, correspondence from 1816]
c. J. Joseph Henry, Philadelphia, 1812-1819
i. January 1812-August 1813
ii. September 1813-June 1814
iii. July 1814-December 1815
iv. January 1816-January 1819
d. J. Joseph Henry and William Henry III, Boulton, 1816-1826
i. Boulton, 1815-1816
ii. Boulton, 1817
iii. Boulton, 1818 (January-September)
iv. Boulton, 1818 (October-December)
v. Boulton, 1819
e. J. Joseph Henry and William Henry III, Boulton, 1820-1824
f. J. Joseph Henry, Philadelphia and Boulton, 1819-1825
i. Philadelphia, 1819-1822
ii. Boulton, 1822-1823
iii. Boulton, 1824
iv. Boulton, 1825
3. Day Work Accounts
a. 1817-1822 [also boarders’ accounts]
b. 1823-1832 [also boarders’ accounts]
c. 1825-1832
i. October 1825-April 1827
ii. May 1827-March 1831
iii. April 1831-May 1832
d. 1833-1836 [production lists included]
e. 1836-1839 [lists grinders, welders, and borers]
f. 1841-1854 [lists stockers and welders]
g. 1855-1859 [lists stockers and welders]
h. 1859-1865 [employee list for 1865]
i. Part 1
ii. Part 2
iii. Part 3
iv. Part 4
i. 1866-1870
j. 1866-1869 [lists stockers, blacksmiths, grinders, filers, riflers, breeders, & finishers]
a. Pages 1 through 109
b. Pages 108 through 213
c. Pages 214 through 336
k. 1884-1909
4. Order and Sales Books
a. 1817-1825: orders
b. 1823-1893; list of sales and manufactures
c. 1829-1849: orders
i. Part 1
ii. Part 2
iii. Part 3
d. 1828: orders [microfilmed under 3-a]
e. 1832-1835: order and shipment book [microfilmed under 1-e]
f. 1835-1853: sales & shipments for 1839, 1841, 1844, 1845
i. October 1835-June 1837
ii. June 1837-December 1841
iii. January 1842-March 1846
iv. April 1846-December 1850
v. January 1851-November 1853
g. 1852-1860: orders
h. 1853-1875: orders
i. 1853-1859
ii. 1860-1863
iii. 1864-1875
i. 1866-1883: orders
i. May 1866-December 1868
ii. January 1869-July 1872
iii. August 1872-December 1876
iv. January 1877-December 1883
v. Consignments
5. Farm Accounts
a. 1831-1833 [microfilmed under 1-a]
b. 1855-1860
c. 1860-1883
6. Miscellaneous
a. Sketchbook, undated [includes materials from William Henry II, J. Joseph Henry, and Granville Henry]
i. Part One [includes drafts of 2 letters regarding William Henry II’s government contracts (1798/1808), 1813]
ii. Part Two
b. Memoranda, rules of factory, some production records, 1814-1821
c. J. Joseph Henry and William Henry III, Price Book 1, 1815-1822
Established Prices for Muskets; Manufacture of Rifle Barrels [August 1817]; Cost of Brass Rifle Mounting [1815]; Rifle Stocking [1815]; Repairing Sundry Gun Work [1815]; Wages to Lock Forgers; Costs of Making Files; Prices for Duck Guns and Barrels [1817-1818]; Income and Expenditures Calculated [1818]; Expenses of Musket Barrels [July 1819]; Reduced Price of Rifle Barrels [December 1819]; Expense of Manufacturing Rifle Barrels [1820]; Expense of Manufacturing Musket Barrels [1820]; Workmen’s Wages for Making Rifle Barrels [1822]; Prices of Materials [1822]
d. J. Joseph Henry, Price Book 2, 1822-1826
e. Check book (stubs remaining), 1826-1829
f. Sales record book for company store, 1831-1838
g. Production inventory, no date
h. Business memoranda, William Henry III, 1841-1842
i. Bank Account Book, James Henry & Son, 1857-1867
j. Recipe book for wood stains
l. l. J. Joseph Henry and James Henry & Son receipt book, 1818-1862
A. Personal Financial Records
1. William Henry I, 1758-1785 (100 items)
a. 1758-1779 (mostly; other dates may be included as well)
b. 1779-1786 (mostly; other dates may be included as well)
[NB: also included in (b) are several 1799 receipts that refer to William Henry II of Nazareth]
2. Ann Henry (1734-1799), 1759-1799 (109 items)
a. Part One
b. Part Two
c. Part Three
[NB: although a few items in Part One relate to the 1750s, nearly all these receipts involve the estate of William Henry I. See also II C: Estates, below.]
3. Abraham Henry (1768-1807), 1786-1792 (3 items)
4. Benjamin W. Henry (1777-1806), 1796 (1 item)
5. Elizabeth Henry (1765-1798), 1779-1781 (2 items)
a. account, room & board at Lititz girls’ school, 1779-October 1780
b. account, room & board at Lititz girls’ school, October 1780-June 1781
6. Mathew S. Henry, 1830 (1 item)
7. John Joseph Henry (1758-1811), 1789-1811 (6 items)
NB: last item is Jacob Dickert to J. Joseph Henry (1786-1834), gunsmith, 7 November 1808
8. William Henry II, 1787-1811 (17 items)
9. J. Joseph Henry, 1809-1836 (14 items)
a. last will and testament, 1836 [mentions adopted daughter Elizabeth Vandegrift]
b. estate accounts of Jacob Smith (father of Mary Rebecca Smith Henry)
10. James Henry, 1878-1884 (15 items)
11. Granville Henry, 1878-1884 (5 items)
B. Personal Correspondence
1. William Henry I, 1777-1786 (8 items)
2. John Joseph Henry, 1781-1811 (7 items)
a. William Henry II to John Joseph Henry, 7 July 1781
3. William Henry II, 1796-1820 (8 items)
a. William Henry II to John Arndt, 6 September 1796
b. Old Wm Henry (Kilbuck/Gelelemend) to William Henry II, 27 September 1806
c. Henry Steinhauer to William Henry II, 2 March 1816 [re: admission of Maria Henry, daughter of James Henry of Detroit, to Bethlehem Girls’ School]
4. J. Joseph Henry, 1824-1836 (3 items)
a. Elizabeth Henry [Lancaster] to J. Joseph Henry, 25 July 1836 [re: John Henry Rev. War pension]
5. William Henry II, 1814 (1 item)
a. John Molther to William Henry II, 25 August 1814
6. James Henry, 1848-1893 (59 items)
a. 1848-1859
b. 1861-1869
c. 1877-1879
d. 1884
e. 1892-1894
7. Granville Henry, 1865-1902 (7 items)
8. Reuben Henry (1818-1910), 1847-1898 (3 items)
a. Reuben Henry to Lydia Stites, 1898 [re: life of William Henry III]
9. John Jordan, 1823-1841 (5 items)
C. Estates
1. William Henry I, 1786-1829 (63 items)
a. Part One
b. Part Two
c. Part Three
2. Ann Henry, undated (7 Items)
a. lebenslauf of Anna Henry (1784-1801), daughter of William Henry II
b. inventory of goods and chattels of Ann Henry (1799)
3. Matthew Henry, 1788 (1 item)
4. Jane Chambers Henry, 1814 (1 item) [widow of John Joseph Henry]
a. Examination of Charges against John Joseph Henry’s estate by William Henry II, 1814
5. Benjamin W. Henry, undated (1 item)
6. William Henry II, 1824 (1 Item) [this item is actually an agreement between three brothers: William Henry III, Mathew Henry, and J. Joseph Henry]
7. William Jevon, 1767-1774 (18 items) [William Henry I was executor of this estate]
8. William Frederick Sautter, 1819 (1 item)
D. Deeds and Indentures, 1797-1853 (21 Items)
1. Draft of Tract of Land in Plainfield & Bushkill Townships, 18 March 1814, Mathew S. Henry
E. Miscellaneous, undated (4 items)
A. William Henry I
1. Accounts and Receipts, 1779-1787 (210 items)
a. Part One
b. Part Two
c. Part Three
d. Part Four
e. Part Five
b. Part Six
c. Part Seven
d. Part Eight
e. Part Nine
2. Correspondence, 1777-1786 (12 items)
3. Miscellaneous, 1780-1786 (4 items)
B. Ann Henry
1. Accounts and Receipts, 1786-1796 (37 items)
2. Correspondence, 1788-1792 (19 items)
C. Executors
1. Accounts and Receipts, 1787-1810 (37 items)
a. Part One
b. Part Two
c. Part Three
D. Undated Material (21 items)
E. Bound Volumes
1. Tax Record Book, 1778-1781 [actually, unidentified merchant’s ledger (1740s-1750s) followed by tax book]
a. [unidentified merchant’s ledger]
b. Lancaster Tax Book, Part One
c. Lancaster Tax Book, Part Two
2. Tax Record Book, 1783-1789 [more a County treasurer’s daybook, since, in addition to records of collecting taxes, it includes payments of judges’ salaries, payments for work on Lancaster’s Court House, etc. William Henry died on Dec. 16, 1786.]
a. Dec 1783-August 1785
b. August 1785-August 1786
c. August 1786-May 1787
d. May 1787-March 1788
e. March 1788-April 1789
f. April 1789-December 1789 [The volume ends with several early memos in William Henry’s hand.]
A. Weapons
1. Accounts and Receipts, 1778-1787 (5 items)
2. Correspondence, 1777-1781 (16 items)
B. Shoes, Leather, and Tallow
1. Accounts and Receipts, 1777-1781 (55 items)
a. Part One
b. Part Two
c. Part Three
d. Part Four
e. Part Five
2. Correspondence, 1777-1782 (27 items)
a. Correspondence, 1777-1779
b. Correspondence, 1779-1782
C. Clothing
1. Accounts and Receipts, 1780-1782 (4 items)
2. Correspondence, 1777-1779 (3 items)
D. Recruits
1. Listings, 1777-1781 (27 items)
2. Correspondence, 1781-1783 (9 items)
E. Miscellaneous
1. Accounts and Receipts, 1777-1784 (9 items)
2. Correspondence, 1777-1786 (14 items)
A. Miscellaneous, 1785-1795 (4 items)
B. Bound Volumes
1. Stephen Chambers’s Lancaster Docket, 1781-1789
a. Stephen Chambers’s Lancaster Docket, 1781-1782
b. Stephen Chambers’s Lancaster Docket, 1783
c. Stephen Chambers’s Lancaster Docket, 1784 (Feb & May Terms)
d. Stephen Chambers’s Lancaster Docket, 1784 (August & November Terms)
e. Stephen Chambers’s Lancaster Docket, 1785
f. Stephen Chambers’s Lancaster Docket, 1786
g. Stephen Chambers’s Lancaster Docket, 1787
h. Stephen Chambers’s Lancaster Docket, 1788
i. Stephen Chambers’s Lancaster Docket, 1789 (partial)
j. Index
2. Docket Book, 1770-1782, 1788-1789
a. Docket Book, 1770-1774, William Henry I, Lancaster County
b. Docket Book, 1775-1782, William Henry I, Lancaster County
c. Docket Book, 1788, William Henry II, Northampton County
d. Docket Book, 1789, William Henry II, Northampton County
e. Docket Book, blank warrants
3. Circuit Court Record Book, 1783-1789 [final entries & index in John Joseph Henry’s hand]
a. Circuit Court Record Book, 1783-1785
b. Circuit Court Record Book, 1786-1789
1. Granville Henry sketchbook, undated
2. Pocket Receipt Book No. 1, Boulton Gun Works, 1833-1836
2a. Blotter, Boulton, November 1819-February 1822, also 1824 [this item is in the Jacobsburg Historical Society Archives: Series VII, Box 1, #8]
3. Ledger, Boulton, February 1836-November 1872
a. Ledger, Boulton, February 1836-November 1872 | Index
b. Ledger, Boulton, February 1836-November 1872 | Pages 1-58
c. Ledger, Boulton, February 1836-November 1872 | Pages 59-103
d. Ledger, Boulton, February 1836-November 1872 | Pages 104-150
e. Ledger, Boulton, February 1836-November 1872 | Pages 151-212
f. Ledger, Boulton, February 1836-November 1872 | Pages 213-272
g. Ledger, Boulton, February 1836-November 1872 | Pages 273-331
h. Ledger, Boulton, February 1836-November 1872 | Pages 332-401
i. Ledger, Boulton, February 1836-November 1872 | Pages 402-450
4. J. Joseph Henry Ledger No. 2, 1809-1836 [Philadelphia and Boulton]
a. J. Joseph Henry Ledger No. 2, 1809-1836 | Index
b. J. Joseph Henry Ledger No. 2, 1809-1836 | Philadelphia, Pages 1-51
c. J. Joseph Henry Ledger No. 2, 1809-1836 | Philadelphia, Pages 51- 113
d. J. Joseph Henry Ledger No. 2, 1809-1836 | Boulton, Pages 1-73
e. J. Joseph Henry Ledger No. 2, 1809-1836 | Boulton, Pages 74-129
f. J. Joseph Henry Ledger No. 2, 1809-1836 | Boulton, Pages 130-160