Notes to “The Jacobsburg Tract”
Notes to “The Jacobsburg Tract”
1. Patent Book 13-170; recitation in Deed Book E-1-6567. All documents cited were seen in the form of xeroxes of the originals; these xeroxes are on file with the Jacobsburg Historical Society. [back to article]
2. Recitation in Deed Book E-1-656. [back to article]
3. Map of property supplied, deed itself was not. [back to article]
4. Deed Book B-2-103. [back to article]
5. Recitation in Deed Book C-2-402. [back to article]
6. Deed Book E-1-656. [back to article]
7. This piece was later patented to the three as tenants in common in September 1799: Patent Book 34-597; recitation of warrant and patent in Deed Book G-2-228. [back to article]
8. Deed Book B-2-373. [back to article]
9. Deed Book G-2-226. [back to article]
10. Recitation in Deed Book G-2-228. [back to article]
11. Deed Book G-2-228. [back to article]
12. Deed book G-2-231. [back to article]
13. Deed Book G-2-47; cf. recitation in 1827 deed, Maurer to King, reference missing. [back to article]
14. Deed Book C-2-402. [back to article]
15. Patent Book 32-454; recitation in Deed Books A-3-446 and G-3-22. [back to article]
16. Deed Book A-3-446. [back to article]
17. Deed Book G-3-22. [back to article]
18. Deed Book E-4-282; recitations in Deed Books F-4-70 and F-4-336. [back to article]
19. H-3-260; recitation in Deed Book D-4-165. [back to article]
20. Deed Book B-4-392. See also Deed Book B-2-135. [back to article]
21. Deed Book D-4-165. [back to article]
22. Deed Book B-5-388. [back to article]
23. Recitation in Deed Book B-5-45. [back to article]
24. Recitation in Deed Book B-5-7. [back to article]
25. Deed book B-5-45. [back to article]
26. Deed Book B-5-7. It is not clear if each tract cost $1,500 or if that price was the sum paid for the two together. [back to article]
27. Date of death not known. Date of will March 2, 1820. Recitation in Deed Book B-5-7. [back to article]
28. William Henry held and dealt in much more land than those pieces from or adjoining the Jacobsburg tract: see for example Deed Books B-2-528, C-2-495, C-5-113, D-4-275, D-4-275, E-5-278, E-4-142, G-1-288, G-1-289, H-1-650. [back to article]
29. Deed Book F-4-70. [back to article]
30. Deed Book F-4-336. [back to article]
31. Deed Book B-5-388. [back to article]
32. Deed Book E-5-359; recitation in Deed Book E-6-345. See Deed Books E-5-274, E-5-275, E-5-276. [back to article]
33. Recitation in 1827 deed, Maurer to King, reference missing. [back to article]
34. Deed Book G-4-23; recitation in 1827 deed, Maurer to King, reference missing. [back to article]
35. 1827 deed, Maurer to King, reference missing. [back to article]
36. Mortgage Book 6-184; recitation in release, Book of Miscellanies 4-90. [back to article]
37. Mortgage Book 6-187; recitation in release, Book of Miscellanies 4-91. [back to article]
38. Deed Book C-6-118. [back to article]
39. Book of Miscellanies 4-90 and 4-91. [back to article]
40. Deed Book H-5-471. [back to article]
41. Book of Miscellanies 4-88, recitation in Deed Book G-6-125. [back to article]
42. For other holdings of Matthew Henry, see Deed Books A-5-151, A-6-262, C-5-95, D-4-275, D-6-405, E-5-278, F-5-293, G-6-125. [back to article]
43. Deed Book E-6-345. [back to article]
44. Deed Book H-6-580. [back to article]
45. Deed Book H-6-583. [back to article]
46. Deed Book B-7-48. [back to article]
47. Deed Book D-7-310. [back to article]
48. Ibid. [back to article]
49. Deed Book G-7-293. [back to article]
50. Deed Book H-7-458. [back to article]
51. Deed Book H-7-460. [back to article]
52. Deed Book D-8-395. The 5 acre piece had originally been owned by Matthew Henry, cf. Deed Book A-6-262. [back to article]
53. Reference is either Deed Book A- [book number missing]-18 or Book of Miscellanies A-18. [back to article]
54. Recitation in Deed Book G-8-367. Note that the terminology for the improvements has changed again. [back to article]
55. Deed Book F-8-156. [back to article]
56. Deed Book A-9-547. [back to article]
57. Recitation in Deed Book G-8-367. [back to article]
58. Deed Book G-8-367. [back to article]
59. Deed Book G-8-369. [back to article]
60. Deed Book H-9-470. [back to article]
61. Deed Book F-11-300; recitation in Deed book B-12-582. [back to article]
62. Deed Book B-12-582. [back to article]
63. Deed Book C-40-269. See also Deed Book C-40-272. [back to article]